The Poetry Society's knitted poem has been unveiled as part of National Poetry day.
I've only seen photos of it but it's very impressive. There are more pictures on the Poetry Society website where you can read the poem by Dylan Thomas in full as well as many other great pieces. When I read Dylan Thomas it's always with Richard Burton's voice in my head, I'm sure I'm not alone in this.
Check out my pea seedling, how intact and un-nibbled it is. My mysterious object, as correctly guessed by Madmurdock and Montyknits, is a gastropod guard. It seems to be working. I'd heard that slugs and snails don't like slithering over hair. I tried using hair clippings a few years ago as a barrier. It worked for a few days, til I found chewed, leafless stems and on further inspection a guilty slug covered in ginger hair. Hopefully the fleecy barrier will stay in place and mean I get a good late crop of peas. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who took part.