Oh Happy Day.
Finally Shrub has gone after 8 long years of, well, you know.
Highlights today are:
1) The reaction amongst my fellow Atheist and Agnostic Crafters group on Ravelry, especially at Obama mentioning non-believers. I've learnt alot about how atheists are treated in the US and it's not pretty. Hopefully this will start to change.
2) The reaction of the black community in London. YES we can.
3) Seeing Floella Benjamin interviewed about how being a black presenter on Playschool helped change attitudes to race and raise black kids expectations about what they can achieve.
4) Arethra Franklins giant bow - it was mesmerising.
I was working on my angora jumper while Obama was making his speech. I'm on the v-neck so I'm naming my jumper V for Victory.
That bow was truly amazing.