I had my knee operated on two and half weeks ago. The first two weeks flew by, partly thanks to opiates and partly due to Mr Gingerknits working at home so I had someone to yell at when I wanted a cup of tea.
I've set up a separate knee blog (which is already woefully neglected) so I won't bang on about the aftermath of knee surgery here. What I will bang on about it how very very bored I am. Now I'm off my crutches in the flat Mr G has gone back to work but I still can't get very far outside. The influx of get well wishes has reduced to a trickle amd although I am still getting weekend visitors the week days have started to drag by. Knitting helps, as does BBC radio 4 and of course Ravelry, however I have discovered my threshold. My brain needs more activity.
I've been thinking on what I'd like to be good at in life, as well as knitting. I've dabbled in holiday Spanish but would like improve so I don't make mistakes such as telling a pharmacist he had diarrhoea instead of me. Hmm, thinking about it do I want to lose such beautiful holiday memories of insulting natives. Actually given my inability to learn grammar, even in English, I think I'll still make mistakes but with more vocab.
After a quick search I found the Open University's Open Learning website which has hundreds of free short courses ranging from Modern Languages to Babylonian Mathematics to Textiles in Ghana. I'm a tad overwhelmed at the mo and want to read everything. Some list making and planning is in order but hopefully it will help banish my boredom demons.
I'm also going to engage in some stash busting calculations as inspired by my friend Mostcurious from the AAC group on Ravelry. Hopefully this will inspire me to finish my WIPs (Works in Progress).
I'll think of a few more boredom banishing goals over the weekend.
Watch this space...